31 July 2002

Flexible Learning

A new evening MA degree has been introduced by the University of Dundee within its part-time degree programme.

The new Arts & Social Science degree is aimed at enhancing the University's flexible approach to part time study which allows adults from a diverse range of backgrounds to take up higher education. Part-time students can now choose from a wider range of subjects and, with guidance, tailor their own timetable to their particular needs so that the nine-to-five need no longer bar the way to University study.

For the first time, it is now possible to complete an MA degree at the University entirely through evening classes. Students can also choose to complete the degree during a combination of day-time and evening classes.

Details of the new degree can be found in the Courses for Adults 2002/2003 brochure, which will be available from the University Tower Building reception from Monday, August 5th.

The range of modules and courses offered includes, amongst others, History, Literature, Philosophy, Film Studies, Management, Counselling, Geography, Scottish Cultural Studies, Politics, Economics and Psychology, European Languages and IT Studies. As well as the new programme of degree modules the University offers a wide range of non-accredited daytime and evening courses.

Viv Urquhart, director of the Flexible Programme Development Unit, said, "We offer advice and guidance to allow part-time students to put together an individual programme of study to suit their particular interests. There are no formal admissions requirements for entry onto our part-time degree programme but we do offer guidance to all students regarding the suitability of course choices, especially for those students who have been away from study for some time."

For further information about our part-time degree programme please contact Mrs. Lynne Elder on 01382 344935, or email: l.s.elder@dundee.ac.uk. For information on non-accredited courses for adults contact Linda Fulton on 01382 344128 or email: l.fulton@dundee.ac.uk.