8 July 2002

Like Father, Like Son

photo of David and Douglas Gray

Photo opportunity: Douglas and David Gray will be available for photograph/interview in their kilts and graduation gowns following the 2.15pm graduation ceremony in the Caird Hall on July 12. Please go to Press Point on steps of Caird Hall, City Square, Dundee.

Douglas Gray will be as proud as any other father watching his son graduate in the Caird Hall this week.

But Douglas won't be clapping in the audience with the other parents - he'll be one of the graduands, receiving his own University of Dundee degree.

Detective Sergeant Douglas and son David, from Carnoustie, will both graduate during the Caird Hall afternoon ceremony on July 12, Douglas with an M.Phil. in Child Protection and David with a 2(i) Honours degree in Town and Regional Planning.

Being at University together provided an added level of support say the father and son, especially early this year when both were working to complete lengthy dissertations.

"My wife Avril might not have had the easiest life because David and I were stuck with our heads in books most of the time, but having David to discuss things with really helped both of us," said Douglas.

"We knew exactly what the other was going through and the would often spend time discussing our courses, research methods and so on."

After graduation, Douglas, 44, plans to return to his post at Tayside Police's Family Protection Unit and with added professional skills gained by completing his degree. David, 21, hopes to find employment as a planner.

David said," I'm really looking forward to graduating at the same time as my dad. We went through the tough final stages of our course together - it will be great to celebrate together now that we have finally finished."

Avril will be cheering her husband and son on at the ceremony, along with daughter Lorna who is half way through a History degree at the University.