27 January 2004

Kindler surprise

Researchers from the University of Dundee's Medical School will be taking time to put their heads together this week to hear about each other's research and formulate new ideas and projects.

Scientists from the Division of Pathology and Neuroscience will meet for a two day symposium on Thursday and Friday (29th and 30th January) in Pitlochry to discuss a number of current medical issues such as cancer and drug metabolism, drug addiction and infection and immunity.

Alex Baldacchino and Brian Kidd will talk about the newly established Centre of Addiction Research and Education (CARES) in which research will focus on social aspects of drug addiction.

Genetic expert Professor Irwin McLean will give a presentation entitled "Kindler surprise" explaining how he uncovered the gene that causes Kindler syndrome.

The division will welcome keynote speakers Professor Phil Winn from the University of St Andrews talking on "the neuroscience of motivation" and Professor Paul Martin from the University of Bristol who will discuss wound healing - lessons from the embryo.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585, j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk