13 January 2003

John Simpson at University of Dundee "war permitting"

a photo of John Simpson

John Simpson the BBC world affairs correspondent will give a public lecture and sign copies of his latest book at the University of Dundee next month when he appears, "war permitting", to receive an honorary degree.

Mr Simpson, who was recently awarded an Emmy for his reporting on the fall of Kabul, was prevented by world affairs from appearing at the University's July graduation ceremony 2002 where he was first scheduled to receive the honorary degree of LLD in recognition of his unique contribution to broadcasting.

The event will take place on Wednesday 5 February in the Bonar Hall starting at 6pm.

Beforehand the veteran war correspondent will sign copies of his latest book News from No Man's Land: Reporting the World in the Tower Foyer from 4.45-5.30pm.

A number of public tickets for the lecture and ceremony will be available free from 22 January in the main foyers of all five University of Dundee campuses - Tower Building, Gardyne Road, Kirkcaldy, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and Medical School Office, Level 10, Ninewells.

University Deputy Principal Geoff Ward, who will deliver the laureation address said: "When you decide to honour someone like John Simpson, who has a reputation for being on the spot wherever conflict breaks out in the world, you have to accept the risk that the university platform stands a chance of being upstaged by a full scale war zone on the day in question. However we sincerely hope that peace will reign and John Simpson's visit will take place according to plan!"

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk