23 January 2003

Virtual Hawking lecture

Professor Stephen Hawking will deliver a virtual lecture at the University of Dundee today by video conferencing.

In his lecture, watched simultaneously by people in Dundee, Cambridge and MIT in the USA, Professor Hawking will ask whether there is an ultimate set of laws that govern the universe or if any theory is necessarily incomplete?

The lecture is hosted by the Centre for Enterprise Management at the University of Dundee, part of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise. The audience in Dundee will be made up of members of the Centre for Enterprise Management including University staff, students members of the Young Entrepreneurs Society and external members from the business and industry in the City.

Professor Malcolm Horner, Director of the Centre for Enterprise Management said: "It is amazing that modern technology can allow people in Dundee to be members of the audience at a Stephen Hawking lecture. This opportunity arises because of the University of Dundee's membership of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise."

Professor Stephen Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of all-time best seller "A Brief History of Time". His lecture is entitled "Godel and the end of physics."

Contact Professor Malcolm Horner 01382 344350

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk