29 January 2003

Wise advice on email

Students will be taking wise advice from the older generation today at the University of Dundee when a group of elderly ladies come to tell young designers that they must simplify email systems.

Applied computing students will listen to the comments of ladies from the Airlie cyber café on how they find using software for computers. The ladies will tell them that they must consider making email systems easier to navigate. Email is one of the most popular technologies with older people as it allows them to communicate but they often find the options and facilities confusing.

The third year students have been studying intensive computer programming for the last two years and are now looking at ways to make their software "human friendly". They have prepared paper prototypes for the ladies to assess this afternoon and plan to take their comments on board to complete their design projects.

Contact Dr Anna Dickinson 01382 344787

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk