University of Dundee University of Dundee
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13 February 2004

One man. 35 pairs of boots

Photo opportunity 10am, Monday 16 February, 1 Airlie Place, Dundee.

Staff at the University of Dundee have rallied round for International Officer Neil Christie who is taking enough pairs of boots to shoe a class of children to poor children in Kenya.

Last November, Neil, who recruits international students to study at the University of Dundee, took some clothing and cuddly toys to the Tender Foot Children’s orphanage in Nairobi where his donations were well received. The orphanage staff told Neil of the diseases that children aged between 5 and 10 pick up because they have no shoes so Neil decided to appeal for children’s boots to take out to Kenya on his next trip.

During the rainy season, the slum area of Nairobi becomes extremely muddy - with open sewers running through the walk to classes. Boots not only provide comfort but also protect the children from all manner of disease. The school said that the donation which would make the greatest difference was children's boots. The Tender Foot self help school aims to provide food and education to slum children in Nairobi.

Neil said: "I am delighted that my colleagues have been so generous in donating these boots for children in Kenya. Things that we take for granted make such a difference in situations of poverty. These boots will make a big difference for these children."

Neil leaves for Kenya on Tuesday and will carry 35 pairs of boots with him for the school.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585,