1 February 2001

Family lecture

The Saturday evening public lecture series at the University of Dundee continues this week with an insight into the role of the modern family delivered by Mary McLeod of the National Family and Parenting Institute in London.

Formerly of Childline and the Universities of North London and Edinburgh,she has written widely about child and family welfare, child protection, bullying, issues for boys, children and racism, and a study of children's views on family relationship problems. Mary is an Honorary research Fellow at the University of Warwick.

This lecture is the third in the January series of Saturday evening lectures at the University of Dundee. This winter's programme deals with various contentious issues ranging from climate change to the ethics of the internet. Rounding off the series on 17 February will be Lord Robertson, Secretary General of NATO lecturing in his alma mater on the place of NATO and the challenges of the new millennium.

"The Family and its discontents" will be delivered at 7pm on Saturday 3 February in the Tower Extension lecture theatre. Everyone is welcome and admission is free.