24 December 2003

Musketeers to the rescue

Four musketeers will be offering their bag-packing services at Sainsbury's, Claypotts, Dundee, on Saturday 27 December in aid of The Institute of Cardiovascular Research.

Jamie Vanderham (son of Professor Jill Belch, a leading light in the TICR campaign) and his friends Alex Shanks, Gavin Redford and Fraser Gray (all S3 at Dundee High School) will be relieving weary shoppers of the chore of bag-packing to raise funds for the University of Dundee campaign. Just to make sure they get noticed, the boys will be dressed up as musketeers.

The valiant team - who will be part of a 12-strong High School team bag-packing that day - are hopeful of raising several hundred pounds. After the indulgence of Christmas Day, Jamie thinks many will want to donate to the campaign to help stamp out Scotland’s number one killer: heart disease.

Jamie's commendable fund-raising efforts will continue in the New Year with plans for a car boot sale and a sponsored hill-walk. The activities will count towards his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

By Esther Black, Press Officer 01382 344768, out of hours: 07968298585, e.z.black@dundee.ac.uk