28 December 2001

Students' New Year donation to shelter

Dundee University Students' Association yesterday continued its festive charity drive with a donation to local homeless charity Shelter. President Matthew Marr handed over a cheque for £200 to the charity's representatives in the Shelter shop on the Perth Road.

The money will be used to help fund the Shelter Housing Aid Centre in South Tay Street. The Centre provides advice and advocacy for people with housing problems of any kind.

Matthew Marr, President of the Students' Association, said:

"While this is thankfully a happy time of the year for most people, there are those who struggle even to find a roof over their heads.

"This is a charity which many students have asked to contribute to, and I am delighted to be able to offer some support to such a worthy cause."

For more information, please contact:
Matthew Marr
Dundee University Students' Association
(Work) (01382) 221841
(Mobile) 07768 348604