2 April 2001

German nurses in Dundee

Photo opportunity 1pm Tuesday 3rd April, Moving and Handling Unit (next to Blood Transfusion Service) level 6, Ninewells Hospital.

A group of students from Stuttgart begin their three week visit to the school of nursing and midwifery at the University of Dundee today to learn about the Scottish health care system and nursing practices in our hospitals.

Funded by the EU through the Leonardo da Vinci scheme, they will be comparing and contrasting methods of health care delivery and practices, and looking at barriers to communication, political policies and their influence on health care delivery.

Nursing lecturer at the University of Dundee Alistair Nicolson said: "Culture determines people's approaches to medical care. It is vital that our student nurses are aware of the differences in their field that they may encounter in their careers. It is also very constructive for them to learn what values underpin different health care systems and the principles on which they stand. I hope we can teach our visitors some useful practices from Scottish nursing."

The concept of hospice care is very different in Germany and the students will visit Roxburgh House, and Crieff Hospital to learn about Scottish hospice care and community hospitals. The students will also study theories behind community care before returning to Germany.

The students are from the Buergerhospital Krankenpflegeschule hospital nursing school and Katharinenhospitalin Stuttgart.

Four nursing students from the University of Dundee will travel to Stuttgart in May to learn about the German health care system.

Contact Alistair Nicolson 01382 233633