University of Dundee University of Dundee
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17 May 2013

University set to welcome youngest-ever lecturers

Photo opportunity: 1pm on Monday, 20th May at Dalhousie Building Lecture Theatre 3. Primary school pupils will be taking the opportunity to lecture Education students.

A group of primary school pupils will turn the tables on their elders on Monday when they visit the University of Dundee to become lecturers for the day.

Primary 7 pupils from Torbain Primary School in Kirkcaldy will visit the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education (ESWCE) to deliver a lecture to Education students based on what they have learned in the past year.

Torbain is one of a number of schools that ESWCE has built a relationship with in recent years as it looks to share learning and teaching practice. Small groups of pupils have visited the University on a number of occasions to show how they have responded to various classroom activities, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of effective teaching methods.

It has also allowed pupils to develop presentation and discussion skills, which they will demonstrate at the University's Dalhousie Building from 1pm on Monday, 20th May. All staff and students are welcome to attend.

By encouraging pupils to become tutors they are given opportunities to articulate and consolidate their own learning. This also gives students useful insights into how children think, learn and develop, and has enabled all parties to develop an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices of both school and university education.

Mary Knight, Programme Director for PGDE primary and secondary programme, said, "The partnership we have created and developed has been, and will continue to be, beneficial to our students, our staff, the school staff and the pupils.

"In a climate where we value lifelong learning, sharing and demonstrating practice and literacy development and through the school-university links we are successfully practising what we preach."

The visit will also include a visit to the Botanic Gardens and a campus tour.

For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
MOBILE: 07854 953277