University of Dundee University of Dundee
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3 December 2013

Skeleton Bob to be found lurking under the tree this Christmas

Superstar crime author Stuart MacBride has brought his cartoon character Skeleton Bob to life in a hilarious (and terrifying) new children's book that aims to raise money for the University of Dundee's Million for a Morgue (MFAM) campaign.

Stuart, who has been a key part of the MFAM campaign from the outset, has talked about Bob at his many public appearances and has drawn occasional episodes for his nephew, but 'The Completely Wholesome Adventures of Skeleton Bob' is the first time he has appeared in his very own book.

The book features three stories, each funnier than the last, for young readers to immerse themselves in. Skeleton Bob's First Day at School, Skeleton Bob and The Witches Hat and Skeleton Bob's Bedtime Story will allow readers to become accustomed to the character with a pink knitted jumper and a penchant for trouble

Professor Sue Black, Director of the University's Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) and the driving force behind the MFAM campaign, said, 'We make absolutely no bones about Stuart MacBride's great talent for story telling whether for the adult or the child.

'He understands the boundary of thrill that a child needs to make a book enticing whilst ensuring that there is a strong solidity of morality to keep them safe. Skeleton Bob's adventures are enchanting stories for the adult and the child alike.'

Fellow crime writers have heaped praise on the book, with Peter James saying, 'Stuart MacBride shows his wonderfully sick and twisted mind is every bit as capable of scaring and distressing children as it is adults! This is a brilliant, funny and gorgeously illustrated story - a real gem.' Kathy Reichs said that both she and her grandson found the book hilarious while Val McDermind added that it was 'deliciously macabre'.

Stuart has generously let Million For A Morgue produce a very limited edition, full colour, hardback edition of 'The Completely Wholesome Adventures of Skeleton Bob' with all profits going to the campaign. the book is on sale for £10.99 and is available from (with free p&p) as well as through Amazon and local bookstores. You can also order a copy by calling 01382 34413 and leaving a message.

The idea to involve the crime writers was borne out of the friendship between Professor Black and Val McDermid. Professor Black has often assisted Val with the forensic details required for her crime stories and they have appeared at book festival events together discussing the thought process behind crime fiction.

By donating to the campaign, you can also vote in the competition to find the favourite writer from the list of crime authors who have lent their support to the campaign.

Notes to editors:

The award-winning Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) at the University of Dundee has a national and international reputation in academic excellence both in relation to education and research. The University plans to expand the Centre and house a new morgue to accommodate Thiel embalming and become a Centre of Excellence.

Dundee is set to become the first University in the UK to exclusively adopt the Thiel method of embalming, which provides a training and educational resource superior to current traditional formalin embalming. The cadaver is more lifelike with retained colour and flexibility offering tremendously exciting opportunities for surgical, medical, dental and scientific study and research.

The new method however requires new premises and different equipment at Dundee. The cadavers require to be submersed in the Thiel fluid for up to two months and therefore special tanks for preparation and storing need to be built as well as racking for longer term storage as remains can be retained for up to three years.

A larger floor space, specialised lifting equipment, chemical stores and embalming solution preparation areas are also required. The new facility will allow at least a doubling of current bequeathal capability ensuring that new courses, new training and new research can be accommodated.

It is hoped that it will encourage further international collaboration and recognition for the University's teaching, training and research in the surgical, medical and scientific disciplines.

More information is available at

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