University of Dundee University of Dundee
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22 October 2012

Students to demo educational computer games

Photo opportunity: 2-4pm on Tuesday, 23rd October at Queen Mother Building, University of Dundee.

First year computing students from the University of Dundee will tomorrow have a series of educational games they designed and produced in just eight days judged by an industry expert.

Amrit Bhachu from the company Canonical London will visit the School of Computing’s Queen Mother Building on Tuesday, 23rd October to cast his eyes over the games, which have been designed for a variety of users.

The students will be demoing their work from 2-4pm. Mr Bhachu is an expert in the field of user experience, and will be passing on tips to the students at the event.

"The School of Computing at Dundee has a reputation for excellence in user engagements," he said. "A student with design skills and programming skills will be in demand."

Chris Martin, one of the event organisers, said that learning to program is a real challenge for students and that a mid-term pressure project such as this gave them the opportunity to showcase what they have learned so far.

"Placing programming and design in a context that is interesting with the added incentive of showcasing their work to the class has made them go the extra mile," he said. "Making games has proved to be a really engaging task. The students have run with their ideas and used their new programming skills to great effect."

For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
MOBILE: 07854 953277