University of Dundee University of Dundee
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25 May 2012

Last chance to visit DJCAD Degree Show 2012

Art lovers have until Sunday to take in Dundee's largest annual exhibition - the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design Degree Show.

The 2012 Degree Show comes to the end of its run this Sunday, by which time an estimated 10,000 visitors will have flocked to Dundee's Perth Road to cast their eyes over the work of nearly 300 art and design graduands.

More than 5,000 art lovers, industry representatives, and students and their family and friends visited the Degree Show between the Associates Night & Reception last Thursday and Sunday evening. Since then, an average of 50 people an hour have been viewing the exhibition.

With the usual final weekend bulge expected, it is anticipated the total number of visitors will be around 10,000. That number has been bolstered by several group visits as schools, community groups and other organisations have flocked to DJCAD, part of the University of Dundee. By the time the doors are closed on Sunday, around £1.5million will have been generated for the local economy.

One of the exhibits that visitors have been feasting their eyes upon is 'Home Comforts', Stephanie Liddle's literal interpretation of the concept of comfort food.

A giant lasagne sleeping bag, a stuffed pie hot water bottle and a huggable quilted piece of penne pasta are some of the tasty items that she created for the viewer to interact with.

Stephanie (22), from Falkirk, has taken the concept to a new level by producing a series of items that not only represent her favourite comfort foods but also provide real comfort and warmth.

For example, the stuffed pie cushion has been designed to contain a hot water bottle that warms it. The pie also has two arms which can be tied around the viewer so that the pie can essentially hug back. Those needing to take a rest can curl up inside the sleeping bag, designed to represent layers of lasagne, or even just wrap their arms around the cushion, shaped like a giant piece of penne pasta.

Stephanie has just completed her degree in Illustration. As well as her strong interest in drawing and screenprinting, the process of making objects is integral to Stephanie's work.

"When I was looking to produce something relating to home comfort, I instantly began thinking about comfort food, and the stuff we turn to when we are looking for food to make us feel better," she said. "I thought it would be interesting to literally interpret the phrase and concept of comfort food to create foods you can hug. For me, that means a lot of pasta, which is why lasagne and penne feature in the project.

"I have been very influenced by folk art, and traditional approaches to creating art. The fact that I'm interested in traditional craft is represented in my honours project as all the items that I've created have been hand-printed and stitched. They have been screen-printed rather than printed digitally, and all the fabric was hand-dyed."

Other work in Stephanie's portfolio includes a selection of editorial images, and designs for a range of cosmetics that set out an alternative message to young girls.

"I feel very strongly that advertising, at the moment, put young kids under pressure to conform, and this is reflected in the images and unattainable beauty and celebrity endorsements. My designs focus on letting them know that they should be confident in themselves and realise it's okay to be an individual."

More information about Stephanie's work is available at

The two buildings and fourteen floors that comprise DJCAD have thronged with visitors keen to view final year projects from students on all 11 undergraduate programmes.

The exhibition will be open to the public until 4pm on Sunday, May 27th.

Notes to editors:

Dundee Degree Show
19th -27 May 2012 (Preview May 18th)
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
University of Dundee
13 Perth Road
Dundee DD1 4HT
T 01382 388828.

Exhibition open:
Saturday, May 19th (10am-4pm)
Sunday, May 20th (10am-4pm)
Monday, May 21st (10am-8pm)
Tuesday, May 22nd (10am-8pm)
Wednesday, May 23rd (10am-8pm)
Thursday, May 24th (10am-8pm)
Friday, May 25th (10am-8pm)
Saturday, May 26th (10am-4pm)
Sunday, May 27th (10am-4pm)

Graduate work on display:
Art, Philosophy, Contemporary Practices
Digital Interaction Design
Fine Art
Graphic Design
Interior Environmental Design
Jewellery & Metal Design
Product Design
Textile Design
Time Based Art & Digital Film

For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
MOBILE: 07854 953277