University of Dundee University of Dundee
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28 June 2010

Conference to debate Scotland's wildlife and natural environment

Proposals for a Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Bill - which will make significant changes to several aspects of the law affecting the countryside - will be debated at a major conference at the University of Dundee tomorrow.

The Bill proposes far-reaching changes which would affect deer management and shooting; snaring; game and poaching laws; non-native species; licensing for protected species; and sites of special scientific interest.

'This is an important Bill for many people involved in land management and conservation', said Professor Colin Reid, of the School of Law at the University of Dundee.

'There are major changes being proposed for the laws on poaching and game and on deer management and shooting. Since some parts of the current law on game date back to the 1770s it clearly needs to be brought up to date in content and style. The other changes on non-native species and snaring, and amendments to the law on protected species and areas, will also be significant in many situations.'

'To the extent that the Bill is simply tidying up the law it will be welcomed by everybody,' Professor Reid continued, but he says there are controversial elements as well. 'There are issues where views differ sharply on what the law should be saying and what is best for wildlife, the countryside and the people who live and work there.

'This conference is about widening the discussion as this Bill progresses through the Scottish Parliament. I am expecting an interesting discussion reflecting a range of views from both contributors and audience.'

Speakers at the conference include Sir Crispin Agnew QC, Chief Inspector Kevin Findlater of Central Scotland Police and Lloyd Austin from Scottish Environment Link.

The one-day conference takes place at the Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, from 2 pm to 4 pm on Tuesday June 29th.

For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
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