4 June 2010
Ladies Club present cheque for new Chaplaincy harp
Photo opportunity: 7.10pm on Tuesday, June 8th at Bonar Hall, Dundee. University Chaplain Rev Dr Fiona Douglas will receive a cheque for £750 from members of the University of Dundee Ladies Club.
The University of Dundee Ladies Club will next week present University Chaplain Rev Dr Fiona
Douglas with a cheque for £750, half the cost of a new harpsichord for the Chaplaincy.
The Ladies Club is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and, in the past, has donated money to the student hardship fund, paid for benches in University grounds and contributed to the purchase of equipment for the Chaplaincy.
Money has also been donated to the Chaplaincy’s music programme, and the latest donation came about after the Rev Douglas spoke at a meeting of the Club earlier this year.
'We currently have around 85 members who pay a subscription, and when excess money builds up in our account we like to donate to the University,' explained Andrea Subedi, current club President.
'We are delighted to be able to help in this way. All our members were either ex-members of staff at the University, or the wives of ex-staff. We feel that the University was a huge part of our lives and we are delighted to still be able to support it.
'We chatted with the Chaplain after she spoke at one of our meetings and told her that we would like to donate some money and asked if there was anything suitable which she could recommend.'
Rev Douglas will accept the cheque during the Club’s AGM at Bonar Hall on Tuesday, June 8th.
For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
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TEL: 01382 384768
E-MAIL: g.hill@dundee.ac.uk
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