17 December 2010
'Inspiring Future Doctors' - schools event Monday December 20th
School pupils from across Tayside will be given a taste of the life of a medical student at the University of Dundee on Monday December 20th.
Around 60 S4 pupils will be attending the 'Inspiring Future Doctors' event at the University's School of Medicine, at Ninewells Hospital The pupils have all expressed a serious interest in studying medicine at University, which has one of the top-rated medical schools in the UK.
In the morning they will be given a talk from an A & E specialist and then work in groups to discuss a related topic. The pupils will then spend the afternoon with current medical students and be shown various hands-on medical techniques, as well as discussing student life.
The schools attending are Blairgowrie High School, Grove Academy, Morgan Academy, Perth Academy, St John's, St Pauls and Websters High School.
'The idea for the day is to give pupils a look at what a fairly typical day may be like for a
medical student, so they will have a lecture with an A&E specialist, have discussion groups and so on,' said Gordon Black, Medicine Admissions Officer for the University.
The day's events start at 10am.
For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384910
E-MAIL: r.isles@dundee.ac.uk
MOBILE: 07800 581902 |