16 December 2010
WLC Software Ltd 'e-merge' with e-meld
WLC Software Ltd, a spin-out company from the University of Dundee, has created a novel web-based
application which allows users to easily meld (merge) data into personalised emails.
E-meld's simple and intuitive interface offers web-based email users (including the estimated 170
million Gmail users worldwide) the flexibility of sending personalised emails to multiple recipients;
with the added advantage of automatically or manually associating attachments. This function makes
it possible to send different attachments (eg personalised letters) to each recipient. Emails appear to
the recipient as if they have come from the sender's own email address. Advanced users have the option
of setting up E-meld to operate through their own servers.
Although some desktop applications are capable of merging data in a similar manner, the process cannot be carried out on web-based email services such as Gmail or Hotmail without considerable programming expertise.
E-meld has numerous applications including marketing, invoicing and the generation of letters. Malcolm Horner, Chairman of WLC Software Ltd, said, 'this novel, simple and low-cost application allows users to personalise the content of professional and personal emails at the click of a mouse. From sending out formal letters or notes of thanks to generating mail shots, your recipients are sure to appreciate the personal touch.'
To download a free trial version of E-meld, please visit www.e-meld.com. Prices start from $3 or £2 for
500mb of emails sent.
For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384910
E-MAIL: r.isles@dundee.ac.uk
MOBILE: 07800 581902 |