University of Dundee University of Dundee
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27 November 2008

Enterprise Gym awards tonight

5.30pm at The Enterprise Gym, Caird House.

Students from the University of Dundee Enterprise Gym will learn who has won the £1,000 Discovery Challenge Award at a ceremony tonight. (THURS)

The prize will be presented by Ralph Harrison from Scottish Enterprise to the winning team out of seven that have undertaken a series of tasks during the year.

Students embarked on a programme of seven sessions delivered by senior local business people which takes them from total beginners to producing a business plan based on their own business idea. The final stage is a Lions Den which Craig McKirgan, Student President of The Enterprise Gym, describes as similar to a Dragons Den but with more passion from the judges and the pitchers!

Ken Edward, Gym Director, remarked that two teams in the lead after the Lions Den showed great promise as viable start-up businesses.

See & Snap is a digital photography resource that offers both the materials needed for a complete project and online resources, support and peer connections, to cater for extra curricular courses for children between the ages of 5 and 18. See & Snap is aimed directly at kids, yet still offers the support necessary for guardians and educators. Covering all aspects of the world of photography, helping both beginners and those more advanced.

MyPlace is an online service for bringing together people and their perfect flats. Aimed specifically at students and private landlords, the MyPlace website provides a low-cost way to unite individuals with not only a flat they are happy with, but also compatible flatmates. Featuring user profiles, a unique Landlord and Flat-Seeker feedback system and weekly inspections, MyPlace is a new and unrivalled way to find tenants or flats in Dundee.

For media enquiries contact:
Anna Day
Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768