University of Dundee University of Dundee
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23 October 2007

University outlines future commitment to Botanic Garden

The University Court has decided to renew its commitment to maintaining the Botanic Garden and to introduce a range of measures to reduce costs and increase revenue in order to secure its sustainability for the future.

The Court approved the retention of the garden at its meeting on 22 October 2007.

Among the plans which will be considered in seeking a sustainable future for the garden are:

  • a new link with Dundee College, who would take over the education programme
  • the establishment of an advisory board
  • improving energy efficiency
  • introducing car parking charges
  • maintaining an option to use the proceeds of any future sale of surplus land to endow the garden for the longer term
  • investigating a major project to develop an ecology centre.

The report and accompanying recommendations put before Court followed prolonged discussions of the Botanic Garden Working Group comprising the University, Dundee City Council, Dundee College and Friends of the Botanic Garden. The Group was chaired by Professor Peter Gregory, Director of the Scottish Crop Research Institute.

The recommendations also commit the University to promote increased use of the Garden by the University and the community as a venue for learning, recreation, activities and events.

In pursuing these measures the University will reduce its financial commitment to the Garden to approximately £75,000 per annum and will seek to increase income through a range of measures.

"I am very pleased to report that, after a great deal of work and thought, the recommendations have the support of all parties. In agreeing this set of recommendations, the Working Group have deliberated exhaustively over a period of six months and I have to thank all members for their contributions, their enthusiasm to find a way forward, and their commitment to finding a mutually acceptable solution that will secure the sustainability of the Botanic Garden for the future," said Professor Gregory.

For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384910