University of Dundee University of Dundee
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30 March 2007

`An energy policy for Scotland’ - Saturday evening lecture

How can Scotland shape a workable and responsible energy policy for the 21st Century? That is the question that former Energy Minister Brian Wilson will lay out the answer to in the latest of Dundee University’s Saturday Evening Lectures this weekend.

As Energy Minister from 2001-2003, Mr Wilson was a supporter of both renewable energy - which he had long championed as a journalist - and nuclear power.

Though now a former politician, Mr Wilson continues to publicly comment on UK government energy policy, particularly on the subject of nuclear power.

In his Saturday lecture he will outline how Scotland can best meet the three criteria of energy policy in the 21st century - security of supply, affordability and environmental responsibility. He will also highlight some of the gaps that presently exist between political rhetoric and practical reality.

Mr Wilson, an alumnus of the University, delivers his lecture tomorrow evening (March 31st) at 6 pm in the D’Arcy Thompson Tower Lecture Theatre at the University of Dundee. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.

For media enquiries contact:

Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384910