University of Dundee University of Dundee
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14 March 2007

Dundee and Stirling universities celebrate 40 years with an Art Exchange

The 40th anniversaries of the Universities of Stirling and Dundee are being celebrated in 2007 with a joint exhibition of their art collections.

Stirling opened as a brand new university in 1967, the same year that Queen’s College Dundee (founded as University College Dundee in 1881) achieved independent status as the University of Dundee.

Jane Cameron, curator of the Stirling collection, says: "When we realised that the anniversaries would coincide, it seemed appropriate to exchange some of our valuable art works for temporary exhibition, open to the public in both cities."

The Tower Foyer Gallery is the venue for Stirling's work to be shown in Dundee, while the Dundee works will be on display in the Pathfoot Building at Stirling 9th March - 23rd April.

Among the artists on display in Dundee will be Scottish luminaries such as JD Fergusson, Jack Knox and David McClure as well as well-known English names such as Bridget Riley and Patrick Heron. Dundee's contribution to the exhibition in Stirling is no less prestigious, including works by McIntosh Patrick, Robert Colquhoun and John Byrne, and successful Duncan of Jordanstone graduates like Ian Scott and Lisa Murphy.

Matthew Jarron, curator at Dundee, says that "It’s great to find connections with each other’s collections - for example one of the most striking paintings we have on show from Stirling is Polyphony by Diane Tulloch, a graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone."

As part of the celebrations Matthew will be giving an informal lecture open to the public on Wednesday 28th March 1.00 - 2.00 in Stirling’s Pathfoot Crush Hall. In his talk, Matthew will explore the history of Dundee University’s exceptional collection and reveal some of its hidden treasures.

For further information contact:
Jane Cameron on 01786 466050 or or visit

Matthew Jarron on 01382 384310 or or visit

For media enquiries contact:

Anna Day
Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768