University of Dundee University of Dundee
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22 June 2006

First students graduate with twin track art degree

The first students to complete a new degree combining the creative demands of fine art with the intellectual rigour of philosophy will graduate from the University of Dundee on Thursday June 22.

Sarah Noble, Lesley Young, Elizabeth Barn, Sarah Burnett and George Blake will all graduate with a BA Honours degree in Art, Philosophy and Contemporary Practices at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design graduation ceremony at the Caird Hall.

The course, which allows students to mix interests in film, philosophy, literature and writing with the hands on skills of fine art, is taught by staff from two faculties and three departments.

Professor Nicholas Davey of the University’s philosophy department said this year’s graduates had "made a tremendous impact."

"Two out of the five achieved 1st class degrees and three achieved first class marks in art practice," he explained. "Of the ten firsts awarded by Fine Art this year three were APCP students. That is a fantastic achievement."

Professor Davey added that the course offers a unique mix of practice and theory.

"It endeavours to promote candidates who will be able to temper their theoretical interests in art with practical experience and to offer candidates with practical interests routes into theory."

"The course is both twin track in terms of discipline and outcome. Students will be qualified to develop their studies at post-graduate level either in theory work or studio work."

The five students will graduate on Thursday afternoon at the graduation ceremony for Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design and the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

For media enquiries contact:

Hilary McNally
Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768