University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Dundee University Debating Union Open Competition

A team from University College Cork Philosophical Society were declared the winners of this year's Ustinov Debating Tournament, held on Saturday the 11th of March. The competition was at its largest ever, with thirty-two teams from Cambridge, Nottingham, Glasgow, Oxford, Cork and beyond. The tournament was judged by a host of current university debaters as well as some of Dundee's former debating stars. There were four preliminary rounds in the Tower Building, followed by a buffet and final in the Queens Hotel, with the evening concluding at DUSA.

The motions were as follows:

  • Round 1: This House Believes there is no place for expert opinions in court
  • Round 2: This House would take the rose-tinted view
  • Round 3: This House Believes we must release terrorists to secure the freedom of hostages
  • Round 4: This House Believes the Empire of the West is in decline
  • and the final: This House Believes governments have a responsibility to regulate the content of information available online to their citizens

Mr Gavin Illsley (formerly High School of Dundee, now Oxford) and Mr Derek Lande (UCC Phil) were the joint best speakers on the tab, from the preliminary rounds. The event was sponsored by Calico Jack, who have strong links with the University, through their project work.

Their representative on the judging panel for the final was Mr Chris Reed, their CTO who also lectures in the University. The Debating Union hope to build upon this initial support, and work with Calico Jack in future as projects develop.

Dundee University Debating Union offers many thanks to all of those who supported the event, especially the staff in the Tower Building and the Debating Union in St Andrews, whose event on the Friday formed the first part of the 'Tay Debating Weekend' which helped to attract so many teams.

The University's Debating Union meet every Wednesday in the DUSA Meeting Rooms, more details available via

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