University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Political science

A researcher from the Division of Cell Biology and Immunology has welcomed Dundee West MP Ernie Ross to the School of Life Sciences to learn about the groundbreaking research being carried out in her field. The visit was part of a reciprocal exchange programme organised by the Royal Society.

Postdoctoral researcher Dr Sharon Matthew had shadowed Mr Ross for a day at the House of Commons, as part of a week for scientists in parliament. The aim of the week was to provide a 'behind the scenes' insight into how science policy is formed as well as an understanding of the working life of an MP.

During his visit to the School of Life Sciences, Mr Ross learned why the basic study of biology is important in allowing scientists to understand of how to fight infection, viruses and bacteria. During Sharon’s week in Westminster she was allowed to sit in on Select Committee Meetings attended by civil servants and discovered how they go about obtaining scientific knowledge from the scientific community which is used to inform policy. She also visited the Department of Trade and Industry to see how they deal with scientific policy and funding.

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