University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Staff Fairtrade breakfast

a photo of fairtrade breakfast

Fairly traded tea from Sri Lanka, coffee from Costa Rica and bananas from Ecuador were just a few of the items on the menu at a breakfast event held for staff during Fairtrade fortnight.

The event was organised by the Fairtrade steering group, as part of the initiatives to help the University win Fairtrade status.

Ashley Cummins, chair of the steering group, said, "Fairtrade goods are available in the Union shops, Tower café, Bonar Hall and from campus catering for University meetings, but the support of staff is vital. Whenever you are buying things from shops or cafes on campus ask about the Fairtrade option, especially if they don't yet stock any."

To find out more about the University's Fairtrade initiatives visit:

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