University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Myth and memory

by Martine van Ittersum

a photo of The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow by Sir Joseph Noel Paton courtesy of University of Dundee Museum Services.

'Myth and Memory' is the chosen theme for the Dundee History Research Seminar this autumn. The Department of History aims to invite first rate scholars as speakers, and to encourage interaction with related fields like history of art and architecture. All speakers will present work-in-progress.

Professor Peter Borsay, of the University of Wales at Lampeter, kicks off the series on Wednesday, 29 September, with his seminar on 'Myth, Memory and Place: Monmouth and Bath 1750-1900'. The series continues with further seminars on 13 and 27 October and 10 and 24 November.

Covering a range of diverse topics, including the history of anti-Nazi resistance in Austria and the 'myth' of the Russian Tsar, the series will provide a stimulating start to the academic year.

All seminars take place in T-5 in the Tower Building at 4.15pm, with the exception of the seminar on 13 October, which is scheduled for 1-3pm in Training Complex 1.39 in the Tower Building. A catered lunch will be provided to all participants. If you would like to receive regular updates about the Dundee History Research Seminar, please contact Dr. Martine van Ittersum by e-mail at

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