University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Event for wine lovers

a photo of wine tasting

Does your preference in wine extend no further than 'white or red'? Does your knowledge of grapes cover no more than 'seeds or seedless'? Have you ever wished you were able to order from a full wine list and really know that you’ll like what the waiter brings?

In spring 2005 the University Events Office will be running the 'Enjoying Wine' Tasting Series, an eight week course presented by Rose Murray Brown, renowned wine expert and journalist. Initially focusing on the basics of wine appreciation before touring the different wine producing regions of the world, the course will both educate and inspire the palate.

For some, a knowledge and appreciation of wines is something that can help them in the workplace. For others, learning which bottle to pick can open up a whole new world of enjoyment. The course might be suitable as a professional development opportunity or as the perfect Christmas present, complete with gift bottle and card.

The fee for the eight week course is £110 including literature and all tasting wines. The course will take place on Tuesday nights from 6-7.30pm in the Bonar Hall complex. Places are strictly limited on a first-come, first-served basis. To book places or for further information contact us on

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