University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Scottish dictionary revolution

a photo of victor skretkowicz

The first Scottish online dictionary - the world's most comprehensive and accessible Scottish language resource - recently went live on the internet, thanks to the dedication of a University-led team of authors who are hoping to revitalise enthusiasm for the Scots tongue.

The project was awarded £320,000 by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) and to mark their enthusiasm at its launch, Geoffery Crossick, head of the AHRB, officially launched the online dictionary at the University.

The three year project, led by the University's Victor Skretkowicz and Susan Rennie has seen all 12 volumes of the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue and all 10 of the Scottish National Dictionary transferred to the web to make the first online Dictionary of the Scots Language.

The dictionary can be accessed at

above: Victor with Skretkowicz with Geoffery Crossick of the AHRB.

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