University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Green travel update

a photo of green travel

A questionnaire to assess how staff and students travel to each campus is now live on the University web site.

The questionnaire has been compiled by Dundee Council's Sustainable Transport team, in collaboration with Peter Copeland, former Director of Estates and Buildings, who is heading up the University's green travel project.

Ron Elder (pictured below), Buildings Maintenance Manager, has responded to the reduction in car parking spaces by leaving his car at home (weather permitting) and travelling into the main campus by motor bike.

Ron says, "I used to own a motorcycle years ago, but when the new building work started on campus I decided it made sense to buy another bike for travelling to work. It lets me get to and from work much more quickly than when I was using my car and I don't get stuck in any congestion or traffic jams."

Covered bike stands are provided on campus for anyone who wants to store their bike securely.

The travel questionnaires can be accessed at:

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