
dream time
A dream time fellowship is available for researchers at the top of their fields in science, technology or the arts to develop ideas away from the demands of professional life for a year. The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts is offering 12 awards of up to £40,000 each. Once completed, dream time fellows can put what they have discovered to good use within their organization and field of expertise. For more information www.nesta.org.uk/dreamtime

Conon Foundation
Research fellowships and awards are being offered by the Canon Foundation in Europe to highly qualified researchers (age up to 40) and nominated professor or persons of eminence who intend to go to Japan. Grants are offered regardless of discipline to European nationals and permanent residents. Deadline 15 October. For information and application forms www.canonfoundation.org

Professor Brian Lipworth, Asthma and Allergy Research Group, Ninewells Hospital, has been elected an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology for his exceptional contribution to allergy and immunology. He will attend the society's annual meeting in New Orleans on 8 November to be recognised by the society.

A memorial seat for the late Irena Riddler has been placed in the Geddes Quadrangle outside the Harris building facing south towards the Tay. The bench and a plaque were purchased from funds from the memorial collection made after her death. A dedication ceremony conducted by the University Chaplain Rev Dr Fiona Douglas will take place in the Geddes Quadrangle on Thursday 18 September at 5.15pm. All welcome. Irena's obituary is at www.dundee.ac.uk/pressoffice/contact/2003/may/obituaries.html

The University Chaplain, the Rev Dr Fiona Douglas, had the honour of preaching to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family at Crathie church, Balmoral on Sunday 17 August. She was also a guest of the Queen at Balmoral Castle over the weekend.

A new free minibus service is now connecting the main campus, Ninewells and Gardyne Road every fifteen minutes. The timetable can be viewed at https://secure.dundee.ac.uk/pressreleases/dundeeonly/ipraug03/minibus.html The service will be free on production of a staff or student ID card.

The Leverhulme Trust is now taking applications for study abroad fellowships, research fellowships, emeritus fellowships and study abroad studentships. Details for all awards are available at www.leverhulme.org.uk

International officer Neil Christie received an overwhelming response to his appeal for University staff to donate clothing for orphanages in Kenya. Neil and his colleagues plan to take donations with them on any future recruitment visits to countries which need such donations. Contact Neil n.z.christie@dundee.ac.uk

To ensure that the University holds as comprehensive and current records on our graduates as possible, the Alumni Relations team would be grateful if staff could copy them in on contact details and company position of any alumni they are in touch with. An edited forward of any correspondence is very valuable to update records. All information is held confidentially under the data protection guideless. Please copy to b.c.boyle@dundee.ac.uk and d.pembertonpigott@dundee.ac.ukor Alumni Relations, Cross Row.

Auril - the organisation for professionals involved in technology transfer is holding its annual conference in Dundee at the Apex Hotel on 2-3 October. Companies represented will include BT, AstraZeneca and Roll-Royce.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh is offering grant awards to researchers wishing to collaborate with groups in other countries. The grants are for short-term visits of up to four weeks duration to enhance the research capabilities of individual researchers and to initiate and develop international collaborative research projects between countries. Closing dates are 31 August and 30 November. Enquiries should be sent to Michael White, RSE International Officer, international@royalsoced.org.uk

Elizabeth Mitchell, a PhD student in Pharmacology and Neuroscience has scooped a prize for elucidating science to a lay audience. She was highly commended in the Medical Research Council 2003 Max Perutz awards for her essay Neurosteroids: hitting pain where it hurts. Michael Smith, who is studying for a PhD in Civil Engineering, has been named as a runner-up in the prestigious BASF Science Writer Awards. Michael submitted an essay entitled 'Good Vibrations' which was about a method of making skyscrapers move less in high wind and earthquakes.

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