20th anniversary of the School of Fine Art

The Exhibitions Department at DJCAD has curated a show to mark the 20th Anniversary of the School of Fine Art.

Entitled 'The Moment of Fiction', it has resulted from research into graduates of the School of Fine Art, and includes selected past and recent works of artists who graduated from DJCAD between 1995-2000.

The works, mostly on loan from private collectors, are united in their meticulous attention to detail and their surreal figurative narratives. Dwelling upon a skewed reality, many of the subjects have been removed from the familiar or contemporary and placed in another realm. For Graham Little's (graduated 1995) drawings of fashion models, the artist utilises the contemporary medium of coloured pencil to meticulously record the surfaces of fabric, skin and hair in a style reminiscent of classical painting. The small intimate oil paintings of Christopher Orr (graduated 2000) bring science fiction to the everyday.

The title of this exhibition is taken from one of Kevin Hutcheson's (graduated 1997) works, where delicate watercolours of gangsta rappers have been painted directly onto the torn out pages of pulp crime novels.

Cooper Gallery, DJCAD.
Exhibition runs until Saturday 22 November 2003.
Gallery opening times: Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm,
Saturday 10am - 4.30pm.

from top:
Kevin Hutcheson, 2002
'Street Beat (The Mugger)'
Watercolour on book pages

Graham Little, 2001
Colour pencil and watercolour on paper

Christopher Orr, 2002
'Total Internal Reflection'
Oil on canvas,
courtesy IBID Projects.

a photo of artwork

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