Stress busters

by Nick Halpin

What does your diet do for you? Does it provide sufficient energy to enable you to cope with the stress that peppers your daily existence? Or are you prone to me(n)tal fatigue by the time you reach early afternoon?

Most of us have a fair idea of what makes for a good diet, but our habit of snacking at breakfast and then again at lunchtime often does us a disservice. To experience a typical B & B breakfast is to remind ourselves of the extended benefits of an early cooked meal, priming our energy and supporting us well into the afternoon.

That generous start to the day, replete with its appetizing choice, is sadly not an option for most of us. So, can we find a substitute for the cooked breakfast? Many would shake their heads. But don’t despair. In addition to preparing a bowl of cereals, the slice(s) of toast and perhaps a tub of yogurt, take your blender out of retirement. Prepared the night before, a cocktail of fruits, blended and then chilled in the fridge, can deliver a healthy and nutritious boost to your energy levels.

Invest in a blender, make a daily ‘smoothie’ and put a spring back into your step!

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