Water law expert presents in Kyoto

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Dr Patricia Wouters, director of the international water law research institute (IWLRI) will travel to Kyoto next week to present at the third world water forum.

Pat will lead a special panel entitled "from principle to action: using best practices in water law to promote peace, sustainable development and poverty alleviation" in the lead governance and water section forum.

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The IWLRI has been focussing on issues of water law: the role of law in promoting co-operation, negotiation and conflict resolution on international watercourses, good governance as a means to addressing corruption and eradicating poverty; and transnational issues such as legal and regulatory frameworks for attracting investment and promoting equitable and efficient water services.

Pat will present the legal assessment model for arbitration of waterways developed here at the university to the conference and an expert analysis of the issues and best practices in the field. She will also discuss the training that IWLRI offers countries on how to use the legal assessment model and how to approach issues of international water law.

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