Landmarks given go-ahead

Two landmark developments which will shape the future of the university were formally approved by court in February. The decision gives the green light to the construction of two major new buildings worth a total of £29 million, underpinning the development of life sciences and computing.

The new life sciences building, the centre for interdisciplinary research, will adjoin the Wellcome Trust Biocentre, providing a much needed base for the expansion of research with a commercial focus. The CIR will include teaching facilities as well as research laboratories. Funding sources include the Science Research Infrastructure Fund, Scottish Enterprise, Dundee City Council and commercial income as well as university funds. Site clearance work will commence in the next few weeks and the building is scheduled for completion by early 2005. The £23 million project includes £5 million of refurbishments to the Carnelly building’s teaching facilities.

Up to 180 top flight scientists will be recruited internationally to work in the new building allowing the university to continue to compete with the world’s best in the field of life sciences.

The new £6.25 million applied computing building will be sited at the centre of the main campus, west of the current applied computing facility. It will provide prestige premises for teaching and research in this discipline including accommodation for the Queen Mother research centre and electronics and space systems research groups.

The university’s division of mathematics will relocate from Perth Road to applied computing’s current base - the MicroCentre - which will open up potential for the further development of mathematics research.

Funding for the applied computing building, yet to be named, has been allocated from the Science Research Infrastructure Fund, the Wolfson Trust, Scottish Power, fundraising activities, university funds and the sale of the current mathematics building on Perth Road.

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