Exhibitions diary

Legacy - Images of South Georgia - Project Atlantis

An exhibition of both past and present photographs of South Georgia, a remote island in the South Atlantic. The historic dimension is captured in the glass plates of Frank Hurley - kindly made available by Peter Wordie - while the contemporary is represented by the current work of Elaine Shemilt and Stephen Ellis from the research group Project Atlantis based at the university.
Runs until 14 April.

An American Conversation

Glasgow-based artists Alex Frost and Karla Black spent 10 days working in the Cooper Gallery at DJCAD to create new installations for An American Conversation, which is described as a "conversation around suggestion and game play". The result is an eclectic mix of thought provoking work, including an exploration of surfaces and textures and skilled portraits using naughts and crosses on graph paper.
The show runs until 14 March.

Interior and Environmental Design

Work on show in the Lower Foyer Gallery is the result of a project where students responded to a brief where they had to reconstruct a new object solely out of the parts of an old object.
Runs until Friday 11 April.

My Mouth is Quiet but my Mind is Noisy

The work of John Watson (1960-2000) in this touring memorial exhibition, showing in the Bradshaw Gallery, DJCAD until 14 April, draws from the darker side of life.


Stacey Hunter, a recent graduate in fine art at DJCAD will be exhibiting a collection of photographs from 14-19 April which document a recent research trip to Hamburg following her success in the F&A Bradshaw award. The photographs are of DESY - A particle accelerator centre, where Stacey was the first artist granted an access all areas pass.

Triple Opening on Friday 18 April

Jordan Baseman

Baseman first came to prominence as one of the Saatchi ‘Brit Art’ pack in 1995. At the turn of the century, the artist made a decision to change from a purely sculptural practice to working primarily in video. This exhibition will feature pieces from both periods, with key work on loan from the Saatchi Collection and Arts Council of England. Baseman’s works focuses on the ‘abject’ in society. In his films, documentary footage is edited into disturbing, dark narratives with an ambivalent core, leaving the viewer unsure of where to morally position themselves. Baseman’s early work will be accompanied by philanthropic art works from the University Collection and MacManus Galleries, examining how artists have positioned themselves regarding this genre of work through the ages. The exhibition runs until 23 May and will be accompanied by a commissioned essay by Sarah Tripp. A talk will take place on Thursday 17 April on level 5 of the Matthew Building, exploring previous Jordan Baseman projects.

Aspects of Identity

Curated by Mark Holden, a second year fine art student and Sabine Klaus, a second year studying time-based art, this exhibition brings together the work of a number of second and third year DJCAD students showing their differing approaches to the central unifying theme of identity. Exhibition runs from 18 April until 3 May in the lower foyer gallery, DJCAD.

Mark Vernon

Mark is a recent MSc graduate from DJCAD. His exhibition, from 18 April in the Tower building’s Lamb Gallery will feature his audio works and incorporate objects from the museums collection.

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