Visitors from Wanli

A group of teachers from Wanli is spending a month at the university to exchange teaching methods and ideas with staff in Dundee.

The dean of life sciences, a lecturer in mathematics and a computing teacher are spending time in their opposite departments and schools to pick up new teaching ideas. They like the greater variety of teaching methods that are on offer in the UK - a move away from the teacher led Confucian style instruction that they practise in China.

Linda, who is in Dundee for a year studying for a PhD in CALS said: "Students here are trained in public speaking skills. They know how to present their points and arguments. Students in China have the knowledge but are less confident in expressing their ideas."

When asked what Chinese teachers could show staff in Dundee they say that more staff student contact would be helpful for learning here. Students and staff in China live in more of a collegiate environment allowing increased contact and improved learning.

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