
Professor Sir David Lane has been elected to the Academia Europea - an international, non-governmental association aiming to promote learning, education and research. The Academia promotes science regular events and its quarterly journal, the European Review.

A new website ScottishResearch.com contains comprehensive information about Scottish Universities' research capabilities and resources enabling businesses, funding bodies, high-tech enterprises and research partners to learn about the researchers, their groups, projects and services in Scotland's Universities. The site will also include information on the latest opportunities to submit research proposals, bids and tenders.

Dr Nigel Nuttall, Professor Nigel Pitts and Dr Cynthia Pine are speaking at a dental health symposium in the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre on Friday 9 November. Dr Nuttal will present a paper on the subjective impact of oral health. Dr Pine will address the pattern of restorative care in the period 1968-1998 while Professor Pitts will look at dental caries and the effect of the introduction of enhanced clinical criteria.

Universities UK has produced a good practice guide to the management of consultancy in universities and colleges. The publication gives guidance on making expertise in the academic community available to external clients and developing commercial activities. Copies of the guide are available from Universities UK.

The Economic and Social Research Council is offering a funding opportunity for research centres and groups focusing on three topics: population mobility and movement, human capability and resilience, and risk in its social contexts. The closing date for applications is 22 October. Full details and application forms can be downloaded from www.esrc.ac.uk/centres20012002.htm

John McAllion MSP and Neil Glenn, a local councillor, will speak at a cheese and wine party in the department of politics on Friday 5 October on why they became politicians. The evening will give staff the chance to meet the new first year students in a relaxed atmosphere.

A group of nine teachers have just completed a two year distance diploma in German through video conferencing. With the centre for applied language studies as its organisational centre, teachers took part via video link up in Dundee, Paisley and Napier Universities. Professor David Swinfen presented the participants with their certificates at a face-to-face celebratory ceremony.

Parking permits are now renewable for 2001/02. Permits cost £60 or £30 for support members of staff employed for one third less time. Payments can be made by cheque or standing order. A memo issued in August contains all details and should be completed and returned to the Court office.

A significantly higher pay award of 5.1% compared to last year's 3% has been agreed and guaranteed for eighteen months. The first instalment was back dated to April this year with the second following next March. This award was negotiated between the AUT, other trade unions and the Universities and Colleges Employers Association. There will now be one main joint negotiating committee involving the unions and UCEA with an independent chair. This will be the principle forum for negotiating the review of pay structures as salaries for older and newer institutions are finally blended in to a single scale. All staff will see their pay award come into effect on 1 August each year.

2001 is European Year of Languages - so why not make it your year for learning a language? The centre for applied language studies offers staff and students courses in French, German, Spanish and Italian at various levels for two hours per week at lunchtime or in the early evening. Apart from an initial registration fee of £8 for students and £15 for staff the tuition is free and includes the cost of taking the University Certificate. Classes are held in the Tower Building and start 15 October running during term time until May. There is also a beginners to intermediate French class at Ninewells from 1-2 pm on a Tuesday. Full details at http://www.dundee.ac.uk/languagestudies/olp/olhome.htm

If ye're ettlin tae speak an scrieve some Scots this winter, the centre for applied language studies is stertin a new coorse in the language. Forby practice in speakin an scrievin, the coorse wull gie ye some backgroond on the history o Scots an its yaise in leeterature an sang. Ye dinna need onie previous knowledge o Scots tae dae this coorse, sae dinna be sweirt tae sign up! For more information or to enrol on this or any other of our 14 languages - all the usual suspects plus Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, Dutch, Farsi, Ancient & Modern Greek, Japanese, Potuguese and Russian - all starting mid-October, please contact Catherine Meyer 34 5488, c.e.meyer@dundee.ac.uk

All University staff are being encouraged to comment on their perception of their current IT skills and their IT training needs. An on-line questionnaire has been developed by the sub-committee on communications and information technology in learning and teaching. The responses will help the University identify its current IT skills base and devise a training programme for staff. The survey results will be available. The questionnaire will go live this month on the website and will also be available on paper from heads of departments. Look out for further details at www.dundee.ac.uk/pressoffice

A study carried out by Dr Fiona Stewart, Dr John Drummond and co-workers in the universities of Manchester and Abertay will be used to help shape the future policies in planning the dental workforce in Scotland. Applicants to Dundee and Manchester dental schools were surveyed to build up a picture of future generations of dentists. Factors examined included career plans, salary expectations, proposed working patterns and lifestyle issues. This is one of the few studies that looks at prospective dentists rather than the existing dental workforce. The Scottish Executive group, looking at recruitment and retention of dentists in Scotland, will be using looking at the results.

The BA national science week will take place from Friday 8 to Sunday 17 March 2002. BA is seeking science week organisers to set up an events locally. Starter packs are available from Lisa Jones, national science week organiser - nationalscienceweek@the-ba.net

An ecumenical service to celebrate the European year of languages will be held in St Andrews Cathedral, Nethergate on Wednesday 24 October at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend especially those involved in teaching and learning languages.

The arts and humanities research board has produced a single guide for all AHRB award schemes to assist applicants. The new guide summarises all schemes, indicates the timetable for applications and outlines the special characteristics of each programme and scheme. Copies can be downloaded from the website www.ahrb.ac.uk

Bob Paterson retired from his position as chief draughtsman in estates and buildings last week after 34 years of service to the University. Bob joined the resident architects office, Queens College St Andrews in 1967 after working in private practice in Edinburgh for a number of years. He has contributed to the development of many of the well established buildings and projects at the University during his long service. A presentation took place on Friday 28 September in the River Rooms to mark his retirement.

Professor Geoff Gadd of the division of environmental and applied biology has been awarded a Burroughs Wellcome Fund visiting professorship in microbiological sciences. Geoff will spend a week at Guelph University in Ontario, Canada where he will be involved in teaching and discussion with students and faculty. He will deliver a Burroughs Wellcome Fund lecture. Professor Gadd has built up an international reputation in Dundee for his research on the interactions of microorganisms with toxic metals, work which throws light on the mechanisms of metal cycling in the environment and also applicable to the treatment of pollution.

Information is now available on the Leverhulme trust awards for 2002. The awards are emeritus fellowships, research fellowships and grants, study abroad fellowships, and study abroad studentships. Application details and forms can be downloaded from www.leverhulme.org.uk

Leading Scottish artist Professor Will McLean will be designing this year's official University Christmas cards. Distribution will be handled by the archives department. Details will follow in the next Contact.

The University Botanic Garden is celebrating its 30th birthday later on Friday 19 October when the garden's first three curators will return for a special evening event to be staged at the West Park Centre. Curator Alasdair Hood will be emphasising the importance of plants and hopes to attract a wide public audience as well as those attending in a professional and official capacity. He will be joined by the first curator 92-year old Eddie Kemp who will talk about the principles on which the garden was founded, and his successor Leslie Bissett, who will remember its development over the 80s and 90s. Further information at www.dundee.ac.uk/pressoffice

The department of otolaryngology and the department of mechanical engineering have received a research grant of £6400 from the Tayside University Hospital Grant Scheme. This award will allow researchers to study the effectiveness of external splints which are commonly used in cosmetic nasal surgery. The research will incorporate a biomechanical study of nasal splint function as well as surveys of both patient and surgeon experiences with the splints. It is hoped that the results will provide valuable information and understanding to ear, nose and throat surgeons in terms of patient management and give some indication as to whether or not the considerable additional costs of purchasing the various commercially available products can be justified.

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